18th C. Atlas Armillary by Authentic Models
40-Year Calander Comp, Brass by Authentic Models
50-Year Calendar Black and Brass by Authentic Model
50-Year Calendar by Authentic Models
Altitude Clock by Authentic Models
America, Small Yacht by Authentic Models
Anchor Lamp, Brass & Copper by Authentic Models
Antique Pocket Compass by Authentic Models
Art Deco Flight Clock by Authentic Models
Avalon Telescope by Authentic Models
Barnstormer #1 Airplane Propeller by Authentic Models
Binocular on Tripod by Authentic Models
Bluenose II Painted Yacht by Authentic Models
Boston and Maine Lighthouse in Beautiful Silver and Copper by Authentic Models
Brass 3 minute Sandglass by Authentic Models
Brass Sandtimer Large by Authentic Models
Bronze Armillary Dial by Authentic Models
Bronzed 30 min Hourglass with Stand by Authentic Models
Bronzed 30 minute Hourglass by Authentic Models
Bronzed 3 minute Sandglass by Authentic Models
Bronze Pocket Sextant by Authentic Models
Bronze Ship’s Bell 5″ by Authentic Models
Bronze Ship’s Bell 6″ by Authentic Models
Bronze Spyglass by Authentic Models